Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Theory of Multiple Intelligences and Its Applications in Science Classroom

Ong Eng Tek (The Inspectorate of Schools,Ministry of Education Malaysia, Putrajaya)
Yeam Koon Peng(Maktab Perguruan Persekutuan, Pulau Pinang)
This article aims to give an overview on the Theory of Multiple Intelligences – a theory that was propounded by Howard Gardner in his widely cited books, “Frames of Mind” (Gardner, 1983) and “Intelligence Reframed” (Gardner, 1999). A Multiple Intelligences Profile Assessment is provided to help teachers gauge “where their students are”, thus providing them information on every student intelligence profile, which in turn, serves to inform them the best way forward to personalise and maximise learning. This article ends with some lesson ideas on teaching primary school students various parts of the body.


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